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What to Expect Regarding Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio

We get it. You want to start a family, but before you begin, you want to know how much it costs to adopt a child. If financial challenges are an obstacle for you, you may find private adoption and international adoption too expensive. Thankfully, hopeful parents can find lower cost of adoption through foster care in Ohio

The average cost to adopt a child from foster care in OH is significantly lower than the expense of other forms of adoption. Foster care adoption isn’t just affordable. For some families, it’s also satisfying because it allows them to provide a deserving child with a stable home and loving family.

If the financial aspects of adoption aren’t a concern, you may find there are many advantages to domestic private adoption as well, such as:

  • The ability to adopt an infant
  • Greater control over which adoption situations you’ll entertain
  • A chance to get to know the birth parents before the birth of the child
  • The opportunity to have open adoption contact between you, your child, and their birth parents
  • And many more

Still wondering whether foster care adoption and private domestic adoption are right for you? Please know we’re here to help. To speak with an experienced adoption professional today, call 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our free online form. Meanwhile, let’s explore foster care adoption cost in OH and its potential impact on your adoption journey.

Exploring the Cost of Adoption Through Foster Care in Ohio

Before we dig deeper into the cost to adopt a foster child in Ohio, you should understand some key concepts. First, foster care adoption involves the adoption of kids in the care of the state foster system. These children are usually removed from their biological homes due to an adverse environment.

There are two ways to adopt from foster care if you’re a prospective adoptive parent. They are:

  • Adoption: Adoption from the foster system is an available option once the parental rights of the child’s biological parents are terminated by the court.
  • Foster to Adopt: If the birth parents retain parental rights, but a child in foster care needs a temporary (and possibly permanent) home, hopeful parents can foster to adopt. Foster parents provide a temporary home for kids for the duration of their parents’ court cases. If the parent’s rights are terminated in the future, the child can be adopted by the foster parents.

The path you choose impacts your OH foster care adoption cost and your adoption timeline. Be sure to speak with a professional to get current information regarding the average cost of adoption through foster care in Ohio.

How Much Does Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio?

Many prospective parents are surprised when they initially find out how expensive adoption can be. That’s only natural because the cost of private domestic and internal adoption can be high. If the estimated costs of private and international adoption gave you pause, you might be asking, “How much does it cost to adopt a foster child in OH?”  

You’ll be happy to learn that foster care adoption is the most affordable way to build a family because it’s subsidized by the state. Most fees that are paid by hopeful families seeking to adopt from the foster system are reimbursed or paid outright.

Also, Ohio extends subsidies and reimbursements for foster parents to offset the cost of raising a foster child. If you’re in Ohio adopting a foster child, cost shouldn’t be an obstacle when pursuing your adoption dreams.

Is there really no cost to adopt a foster child in OH? There’s only minimal expense involved. Covering the cost of foster to adopt in OH is even less challenging because almost all adoption expenses will be offset by assistance and subsidies you will receive.

Though the cost may be a factor, it shouldn’t be your only consideration when planning to adopt. It’s true that foster care adoption cost in Ohio is nearly free. But that doesn’t mean it’s really the right choice for you. Foster care adoption is often challenging despite the minimal cost, so research it thoroughly before deciding to move forward.

What Expenses Figure into the Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio?

There are a few costs you may be asked to pay when adopting a foster child. Sometimes, the average cost to adopt a child from foster care in OH includes:

Even if you’re asked to cover these costs at first, most of the cost of adoption through foster care in OH is fully reimbursable by the state, making it the least expensive way to adopt for hopeful families.

Is the Foster to Adopt Cost in Ohio Greater Than the Foster Care Adoption Cost?

The cost of adoption through foster care in OH is the same no matter if you adopt directly from foster care or you choose to foster to adopt. There could be additional costs that stem from the fostering-to-adopt path, though. Fostering a child means you’re accepting responsibility for meeting a child’s needs even when you can’t permanently adopt them yet. That could include paying for daily needs, such as housing, food, clothing, and transportation.

The good news is that some parts of that additional cost of foster to adopt in Ohio can be offset by subsidies from the state that cover some of those expenses.

Why is Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio So Low for Potential Adoptive Parents?

Foster care adoption cost in OH is minimal because there are more children in the foster system in need of a home than there are prospective adoptive families. There are around 16,000 kids in the Ohio foster care system, and about 2,600 of them are eligible for adoption at any time.

There are also children in foster care who are eligible for adoption and who have special needs. Those needs may require special medical, educational, or other remedial services, so it’s more challenging for the state to find homes for them. Other kids in foster care may be part of a sibling group requiring joint placement.

Those who open their homes to children in these special circumstances can usually get adoption subsidies that ease concerns and offset the additional cost to adopt a foster child in OH. Such subsidies help adoptive parents provide the quality services needed regardless of the additional OH foster care adoption cost.

In the context of foster care adoption, the term “special needs” means that the child has one or more of the traits listed below:

  • They have medical conditions
  • They are beyond 8 years old
  • They come from a particular racial or ethnic background
  • They possess physical, mental or emotional disabilities
  • They are part of a sibling group requiring joint placement

DO Adoptive Parents Get Paid to Cover Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio?  

No, adoptive parents don’t get paid by the state of Ohio to adopt from foster care. Many do receive an adoption subsidy or reimbursement, though, that helps offset the average cost of adopting through foster care in OH.

Becoming a foster parent means you’re making a commitment that you’re financially stable. This is important because even if you get subsidies from the state, you’ll still be responsible for paying the rest of the cost of care for the child. You’re taking responsibility for meeting the child’s needs, even when there’s help available to pay some of the cost of adoption through foster care in OH.

The following assistance is provided to eligible families who ask for help:

  • Help with living expenses for the child, like food, clothing and shelter.
  • Medical, dental or other healthcare through Ohio Medicaid as a supplement to the adoptive/guardianship families' private medical or dental insurance plan.
  • Childcare assistance for children of a certain age when both parents are working.
  • Other subsidy services may be available based on the individual needs of the child, as long as there is documentation of need by appropriate professionals.

Why Should I Consider Private Domestic Adoption If the Cost is Higher?

Foster care adoption is a rewarding method of family growth if providing a stable home to a waiting older child is appealing. If the child’s age isn’t a concern, adopting a kid through the foster care system may be a good option. Foster care adoption cost in OH is also appealing when financial resources are an obstacle to growing your family.

Still, not everyone is cut out for foster care adoption. There are other factors to consider outside of the cost, especially when planning a task as important as building a family. Even though the cost for adoption through foster care in OH is lower, private infant adoption comes with advantages like:

  • Opportunity to adopt an infant
  • No previous trauma, attachments, or difficulties from childhood adversity
  • More control over your adoption using your Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) to find the perfect adoption opportunity
  • Diminished wait time due to fewer steps when compared to foster care adoption
  • Less uncertainty because birth parents provide consent before private adoption can proceed
  • No need to wait for the court to terminate parental rights of biological parents before adopting
  • Open adoption gives you a way to enjoy open communication between you, your child, and the birth parents
  • And many more

If private infant adoption sounds the way you’d like to move forward, you won’t find a better agency to partner with than American Adoptions. We’ve assisted over 13,000 families with their adoptions, with a 96% success rate that is among the leaders in the industry. We also provide 12x more marketing and promotion than the average competitor, which is part of the reason you may experience shorter wait times (an average of 12 months) than with other agencies.

Another tremendous advantage comes from our staff of licensed social workers with compassion and years of experience. Also, many members of our team are also adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth mothers themselves, so they know what you’re going through and can share how they overcame those challenges.

If you’re still not sure if foster care adoption or infant adoption is right for you, it’s time to speak with one of our specialists at no cost. We’re here to help 24/7, and you can talk to a specialist today by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or completing our online form

Last Thoughts on Foster Care Adoption Cost in Ohio

Foster care adoption can be challenging, even though the cost to adopt a foster child in OH is lower than the expense of private infant adoption. If you’re thinking about foster care adoption, be sure you thoroughly research the process and what it can mean for you and avoid making your decision based only on cost.

For information regarding the cost of private infant adoption or foster care adoption cost in OH, all you need to do is contact us when you’re ready to begin. Call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our online form to speak with one of our experienced adoption professionals today.

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